In the spotlight

In our programs, workshops and team sessions a lot of different topics come up. In this space we would like to highlight some of those topics. To give you a glimpse of what we value in our work with clients and to shine the light on topics that we believe can evoke joy, growth and transformation in the reality of the world today.

Feel free to browse through these topics and reach out to us!

Teams in Transition

Covid-19 is challenging us in ways we could not have imagined. This unexpected situation requires unprecedented action at every level of our society.

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Embodied leadership

Today’s leadership goes beyond intellectual capacities only. Now, more than ever, there is a focus on how you are present as a leader.

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Courageous Conversations

In our Courageous Conversations workshop we support people to build their awareness and train their skills

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Leading with purpose

Resilience comes from purpose, is what Erica Ariel Fox teaches us in her book ‘Winning from Within’. In order to be able to lead you have to ...

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Five Team Dysfunctions

In the book The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Patrick Lencioni describes the story of Catherine Peterson. As a CEO, Catherine leads a team that ...

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The importance of Presence

Pausing to notice your environment and being in the moment are essential for awareness and reflection.

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